You want to intercept and manipulate a request and a response before
and after the request is processed.
- You want centralized, common processing across requests, such as checking
the data-encoding scheme of each request, logging information about
each request, or compressing an outgoing response.
- You want pre and postprocessing components loosely coupled with core
request-handling services to facilitate unobtrusive addition and removal.
- You want pre and postprocessing components independent of each other
and self contained to facilitate reuse.
Use an Intercepting Filter as a pluggable filter to pre and
postprocess requests and responses. A filter manager combines loosely
coupled filters in a chain, delegating control to the appropriate filter.
In this way, you can add, remove, and combine these filters in various
ways without changing existing code.
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagram
- Standard Filter Strategy
- Custom Filter Strategy
- Base Filter Strategy
- Template Filter Strategy
- Web Service Message Handling Strategies
- Custom SOAP Filter Strategy
- JAX RPC Filter Strategy
- Centralizes control with loosely coupled handlers
- Improves reusability
- Declarative and flexible configuration
- Information sharing is inefficient
- Front Controller
The controller solves some similar problems, but is better suited to
handling core processing.
- Decorator [GoF]
The Intercepting Filter is related to the Decorator, which provides
for dynamically pluggable wrappers.
- Template Method [GoF]
The Template Method is used to implement the Template Filter strategy.
- Interceptor [POSA2]
The Intercepting Filter is related to the Interceptor, which allows
services to be added transparently and triggered automatically.
- Pipes and Filters [POSA1]
The Intercepting Filter is related to Pipes and Filters.