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Last Updated:
January 29, 2006 9:02 PM


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Quotes and Praises

This book is essential for J2EE developers and has helped reinvigorate the patterns movement.

- Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist, ThoughtWorks

The Java landscape is littered with libraries, tools, and specifications. What's been lacking is the expertise to fuse them into solutions to real-world problems. These patterns are the intellectual mortar for J2EE software construction.

- John Vlissides, co-author of Design Patterns, the "Gang of Four" book

The authors of Core J2EE Patterns have harvested a really useful set of patterns. Don't get me wrong: J2EE is certainly an important platform, enabling teams to build some very powerful systems. it's just like having a team of experts sitting at your side.

- Grady Booch, Chief Scientist, Rational Software Corporation, excerpted from Foreword

Sun Java Center architects have transformed their best practices and expert level insights into the J2EE Patterns.

- Peter Coad, TogetherSoft (now Borland)


This book is an excellent collection of patterns. [It] captures vital experience for J2EE development. Don't build an enterprise bean without it. [Additionally] refactoring is increasingly the approach of choice for making changes to an existing system. The authors are the first group to extend my work on refactoring into a new direction-into the world of J2EE design. Not just am I grateful that someone has built on my earlier work, I'm glad they've used their experience to outline how to do these transformations.

- Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist, ThoughtWorks, excerpted from Foreword

With the maturity of J2EE, it is more important than ever to apply sound engineering principles to application design. Core J2EE Patterns is an invaluable guide for architects and analysts trying to decide their strategy for implementing enterprise applications on the J2EE platform. Common patterns for best practice are explored in detail, as well as ways to avoid bad designs"

- Craig Russel, Java Data Objects (JDO) Architect, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Core J2EE Patterns is the gospel that should accompany every J2EE application server. The book delivers a definitive, battle-tested pattern language, along with refactoring strategies, for designing, implementing, and maintaining healthy real-world J2EE applications. Built upon the in-the-trenches expertise of its veteran architect authors, this volume unites the platform's many technologies and API's in a way that application architects can use, and provide insightful answers to the why's, when's and how's of the J2EE platform.

- Sean Neville, JRun Enterprise Architect, Macromedia

The authors do a great job of describing useful patterns for application architectures. The section on refactoring is worth the price of the entire book.

- Craig McClanahan, Struts Lead Architect

Core J2EE Patterns is a great asset for enterprise application developers. It will dramatically increase productivity by putting into practice the best ideas of leading Java architects from the Sun Java Center. Ths book also makes patterns real!

- Alexander Aptus, Lead Architect, TogetherSoft

If you're designing Enterprise J2EE applications and you want to do it right the first time, then you need to read Core J2EE Patterns. There are very few technical books that can provide so much value to an organization as this one can. Our senior architects have adopted and utilize the information in Core J2EE Patterns to such a degree that it has become the most reused artifact in our repository. I'm personally excited about the hardcover 2nd edition - besides the six new patterns, refactorings, and new micro architecture - it allows for greater emphasis when we bang our heads against it while asking, "Why didn't we just read the book first?" This book will have a significant impact on your organization!"

- Terry Bone, J2EE Frameworks and Services Manager, Ford Financial


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